撷英集萃 相辉共勉

■获奖、著书、期刊发表、荣誉称号授予、职称 / 职务晋升等研究业绩
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. Hyaluronic acid-modified Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles for radio/ nanozyme/Ag+ multimodal synergistically enhanced cancer therapy, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2020, 31, 1756.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. HBC-nanofiber hydrogel scaffolds with 3D printed internal microchannels for enhanced cartilage differentiation, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020, 8, 6115.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. CT/Bioluminescence dual-modal imaging tracking of mesenchymal stem cells in pulmonary fibrosis, Small, 2019, 15, 1904314.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. Release of methylene blue from graphene oxide-coated electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds to modulate functions of neural progenitor cells, Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 88, 346.
・Zhang, Z. J.* Ultrasmall graphene oxide based T1 MRI contrast agent for in vitro and in vivo labeling of human mesenchymal stem cells, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2018, 14, 2475.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. Cancer-targeted nanotheranostics: Recent advances and perspectives (Invited Review), Small, 2016, 12, 4936.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. Rational design and synthesis of magnetic gold nanoflowers for efficient cancer theranostics, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 5049.
・Zhang, Z. J.* et al. Near-infrared fluorescent cyanine-grafted graphene oxide with enhanced intrinsic photothermal performance for in vivo tumor eradication, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 59.
1998年在日本关西学院大学获理学博士。此后曾在日本名古屋大学(日本学术振兴会外籍研究员)、加拿大国家研究院和McGill大学从事纳米研究。2007年底回国加入苏州纳米所。曾获苏州高层次紧缺人才(2008)、苏州工业园区科教领军人才(2011)以及日本学术振兴会JSPS Invitation Fellowship(2011)等荣誉。获教育部自然科学奖二等奖(2016,排名第2)。
迄今为止在包括Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Small以及Biomaterials等国际学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,获授权美国专利1项、中国专利10项。2010年以来发表通讯作者论文50余篇,共引用4300余次,其中单篇最高引用为1200余次,引用超100次的15篇。10余篇入选Top 10 most read/most cited、亮点或封面文章;相关科研成果曾多次被科技日报、中国科学报、Wiley MaterialsViews China等媒体关注报道。指导的研究生中,1名获中科院院长优秀奖,1名获中科院朱李月华优秀博士生奖,3名获研究生国家奖学金。