学者名录 |
■职称:教授 |
■获奖、著书、期刊发表、荣誉称号授予、职称 / 职务晋升等研究业绩 |
・2019年,日本水环境学会JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award
・2019,国际研究生学术论坛(2019 International Postgraduate Academic Forum)优秀论文一等奖(通讯作者)
・2019,第10届中日固体废物处理与资源循环国际会议(CJJC 2019) 最佳发表奖(通讯作者)
・2014年,北京市科学技术进步奖三等奖(排名第4) |
・2019.8至今,SCI期刊Bioengineered (IF 1.544) 编委 Editor Board
・2018.9,SCI期刊Bioresource Technology(IF 6.669)专刊编委Guest Editor
2019.9.17-19,波兰卢布林,担任第九届环境工程、测绘技术和地理信息学国际科技会议学术委员会委员和主旨演讲共同主席(The 9th Scientific Technical Conference “Environmental Engineering, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics: Modern Technologies and Development Perspectives", Scientific Committee and Co-chair of the Plenary Session, Lubin, Poland)
・2017.01至今,中关村紫能生物质燃气产业联盟,副秘书长 |
・Li, Y. Y., & Qiao, W. (2015). Transformations and impacts of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in anaerobic reactors. In Anaerobic Biotechnology: Environmental Protection and Resource Recovery (pp. 109-131).
・《Collection of Measurement Methods for Biogas 沼气发酵实验方法汇编》,德国生物质研究中心(DBFZ)出版,中文编辑(顺位第三)。 |
・Camilla Negri, Marina Ricci, Massimo Zilio, Giuliana D’Imporzano, Wei Qiao*, Renjie Dong, Fabrizio Adani*, (2020) Anaerobic digestion of food waste for bio-energy production in China and Southeast Asia: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 133,110138
・Yunlong Song, Ahmed Mahdy, Zhen Hou, Min Lin, Walter Stinner, Wei Qiao* and Renjie Dong. (2020) Air Supplement as a Stimulation Approach for the In Situ Desulfurization and Methanization Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Manure. Energy and Fuels. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01724
・Mahdy, A., Song, Y., Salama, A., Qiao, W*., & Dong, R. (2020). Simultaneous H2S mitigation and methanization enhancement of chicken manure through the introduction of the micro-aeration approach. Chemosphere, 126687.
・Yin, D. M., Taherzadeh, M. J., Lin, M., Jiang, M. M., Qiao, W*., & Dong, R. J. (2020). Upgrading the anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment of chicken manure by introducing in-situ ammonia stripping and hyper-thermophilic pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 123470.
・Jiang, M., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Wandera, S. M., & Dong, R. (2020). High rate anaerobic digestion of swine wastewater in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Energy, 193, 116783.
・Mahdy, A., Wandera, S. M., Qiao, W*., & Dong, R. (2019). Biostimulation of sewage sludge solubilization and methanization by hyper-thermophilic pre-hydrolysis stage and the shifts of microbial structure profiles. Science of The Total Environment, 134373.
・Bi, S., Qiao, W*., Xiong, L., Ricci, M., Adani, F., & Dong, R. (2019). Effects of organic loading rate on anaerobic digestion of chicken manure under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Renewable Energy, 139, 242-250.
・Bi, S., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Xiong, L., Mahdy, A., Yin, D., ... & Dong, R. (2019). Metabolic performance of anaerobic digestion of chicken manure under wet, high solid, and dry conditions. Bioresource Technology, 122342.
・Bi, S., Qiao, W*., Xiong, L., Mahdy, A., Wandera, S. M., Yin, D., & Dong, R. (2019). Improved high solid anaerobic digestion of chicken manure by moderate in situ ammonia stripping and its relation to metabolic pathway. Renewable Energy. 146: 2380-2389.
・Wang, J., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Mahdy, A., Wandera, S. M., Yin, D., ... & Dong, R. (2019). Enhancing anaerobic digestion of dairy and swine wastewater by adding trace elements: evaluation in batch and continuous experiments. Water Science and Technology, 80(9), 1662-1672.
・Wandera, S. M., Qiao, W*., Jiang, M., Mahdy, A., Yin, D., & Dong, R. (2019). Enhanced methanization of sewage sludge using an anaerobic membrane bioreactor integrated with hyperthermophilic biological hydrolysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 196, 846-855.
・Jiang, M., Qiao, W*., Ren, Z., Mahdy, A., Wandera, S. M., Li, Y., & Dong, R. (2019). Influence of operation conditions on methane production from swine wastewater treated by a self-agitation anaerobic reactor. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.
・Mahdy, A., Wandera, S. M., Bi, S., Song, Y., Qiao, W*., & Dong, R. (2019). Response of the microbial community to the methanogenic performance of biologically hydrolyzed sewage sludge with variable hydraulic retention times. Bioresource technology, 288, 121581.
・Bi, S., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Mahdy, A., Xiong, L., Yin, D., ... & Dong, R. (2019). Enhanced methanogenic performance and metabolic pathway of high solid anaerobic digestion of chicken manure by Fe2+ and Ni2+ supplementation. Waste Management, 94, 10-17.
・Yin, D. M., Qiao, W*., Negri, C., Adani, F., Fan, R., & Dong, R. J. (2019). Enhancing hyper-thermophilic hydrolysis pre-treatment of chicken manure for biogas production by in-situ gas phase ammonia stripping. Bioresource Technology, 287: 121470-121479.
・Algapani, D. E., Qiao, W*., Ricci, M., Bianchi, D., Wandera, S. M., Adani, A., Dong, R.J., Bio-hydrogen and bio-methane production from food waste in a two-stage anaerobic digestion process with digestate recirculation. Renewable Energy, 2019(130) 1108-1115.
・Wandera, S.M., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Yin, D., Jiang, M., Dong, R. The correlation of methanogenic communities’ dynamics and process performance of anaerobic digestion of thermal hydrolyzed sludge at short hydraulic retention times. Bioresource Technology. 2019 (272):180-187.
・Zhao, J., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Yin, D., Bi, S., & Jiang, M., et al. (2018). Impact of temperature and substrate concentration on degradation rates of acetate, propionate and hydrogen and their links to microbial community structure. Bioresource Technology. 2018 256, 44-52.
・Yin, D. M., Westerholm, M., Qiao, W*., Bi, S. J., Wandera, S. M., & Fan, R., et al. (2018). An explanation of the methanogenic pathway for methane production in anaerobic digestion of nitrogen-rich materials under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Bioresource Technology. 264(5), 42-50.
・Wandera, S. M., Qiao, W*., Jiang, M., Gapani, D. E., Bi, S., & Dong, R. (2018). Anmbr as alternative to conventional cstr to achieve efficient methane production from thermal hydrolyzed sludge at short hrts. Energy. 159: 588-598.
・Wandera, S.M., Qiao, W*., Algapani DE., Bi S., Yin D., Qi X., Liu Y., Dach J., Dong R., et al., (2018) Searching for possibilities to improve the performance of full scale agricultural biogas plants. Renewable Energy, 116: p. 720-727.
・Algapani, D. E., Qiao, W*., Bianchi, D., & Wandera, S. M. Adani, A., Dong, R.J., (2018). Long-term bio-H2 and bio-CH4 production from food waste in a continuous two-stage system: Energy efficiency and conversion pathways. Bioresource Technology. 248:204-213.
・Algapani, D. E., Wang, J., Qiao, W*., Su, M., Goglio, A., & Wandera, S. M. (2017). Improving methane production and anaerobic digestion stability of food waste by extracting lipids and mixing it with sewage sludge, Bioresource Technology. 244(June), 996–1005.
・Chenyan, L., Qiao, W*., Melse, R. W., Lujun, L., Buisonjé, F. E. De, Yajing, W., Renjie, D. (2017). Patterns of dairy manure management in China, International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 10(3), 227–236.
・Croce, S., Qiao, W*., Imporzano, G. D., Dong, R., Adani, F*. (2016). Anaerobic digestion of straw and corn stover: The effect of biological process optimization and pre-treatment on total bio-methane yield and energy performance. Biotechnology Advances, 34(8), 1289–1304.
・Qiao, W*., Takayanagi, K., Li, Q., Sho, M., Gao, F. (2016). Thermodynamically enhancing propionic acid degradation by using sulfate as an external electron acceptor in a thermophilic anaerobic membrane reactor, Water Research, 106, 320–329.
・Algapani, D. E., Qiao, W*., Su, M., Wandera, S. M., Adani, F., Dong, R.J. (2016). Bio-hydrolysis and bio-hydrogen production from food waste by thermophilic and hyperthermophilic anaerobic process. Bioresource Technology, 216, 768–777.
・J, Zhao., W, Qiao*, W, Wang., F, Gao, Z, Xiao. (2016). Anaerobic digestion of heat treated sludge liquor by pilot scale mesophilic EGSB reactor, International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 9(3), 146–153.
・Shofie, M., Qiao, W*., Li, Q., Takayanagi, K., Li, Y. (2015). Comprehensive monitoring and management of a long-term thermophilic CSTR treating coffee grounds, coffee liquid, milk waste, and municipal sludge. Bioresource Technology, 192, 202–211.
・Qiao, W*., Takayanagi, K., Li, Y. (2015). Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of coffee grounds and excess sludge : long term process stability and energy production, RSC Advances, 26452–26460.
・宋云龙, 乔玮*, & 董仁杰. 空气注入原位去除鸡粪发酵沼气中 H 2 S. 中国环境科学 (EI), 40(2), 688-694.
・乔玮, 毕少杰, 熊林鹏, 鞠鑫鑫, & 董仁杰*. (2019). 氨氮浓度对鸡粪中高温甲烷发酵的影响. 中国环境科学, 39(7), 2921-2927.
・乔玮, 任征然, 熊林鹏, & 董仁杰*. (2019). 通入外源氢提高秸秆发酵沼气中甲烷浓度的研究. 高校化学工程学报, 33(3): 628-635.
・乔玮, 任征然, 李晨艳, 熊林鹏, 李玉友, & 董仁杰*. (2018). 自搅拌厌氧折流板反应器连续处理猪场废水的效果. 农业工程学报, 34(20), 218-223.
・乔玮, 姜萌萌, Wandera, S. M. , 熊林鹏, 任征然, & 董仁杰*. (2018). 厌氧平板膜生物反应器连续处理猪场废水研究. 中国环境科学, 38(12), 104-110.
・乔玮, 姜萌萌, 赵婧, Wandera, S. M. , & 董仁杰*. (2018). 中温和高温环境下乙酸和丙酸厌氧发酵产甲烷动力学特征. 农业工程学报, 34(21), 242-246.
・乔玮, 熊林鹏, 毕少杰, 任征然, 尹冬敏, & 董仁杰*. (2018). 梯度提高进料浓度对鸡粪连续中温发酵产甲烷的影响. 农业工程学报,, 34(9), 233-239.
・乔玮, 毕少杰, 尹冬敏, 姜萌萌, Dalal E. Algapani1, 董仁杰*.(2018). 鸡粪中高温厌氧甲烷发酵产气潜能与动力学特性. 中国环境科学,38(1): 234-243.
・乔玮, 毕少杰, 熊林鹏, 任征然, & 董仁杰*. (2018). 进料浓度对鸡粪长期高温甲烷发酵的影响. 中国环境科学, (7), 2593-2601.
・乔玮, 尹冬敏, 刘月玲, 毕少杰, 王菁, 董仁杰*. (2017). HRT对餐厨垃圾秸秆混合高温厌氧发酵的影响研究. 中国环境科学(EI), 37(12):4596-4604.
・刘月玲,乔玮*,Croce S, Algapani D. (2017). 严新荣,赵婧,苏敏,Adani F, 董仁杰. 餐厨垃圾和秸秆混合连续高温甲烷发酵研究. 中国环境科学 (EI), 37(6):2194~2202. |
・2019年,中国农业大学首批“人才培育发展支持计划”青年科技新星A类 |
职称 / 职务
・2019年,晋升教授 |
■个人主页 |
http://faculty.cau.edu.cn/gxy/qw/list.htm |
■自我介绍 |
1997-2001年在湖南大学攻读环境工程本科和硕士学位,2008年在清华大学获得土木工程(市政工程专业)博士学位,自2014年入选中国农业大学优秀人才引进计划,于2019年12月晋升为教授职称,同年入选中国农业大学首批“人才培育发展支持计划”青年科技新星A类项目。本人课题组长期致力于有机废弃物和废水厌氧生物处理与资源化的研究工作,重点针对有机废弃物进行厌氧发酵生产沼气和氢气回收能源的研究,针对高浓度有机废水和废液厌氧消化环保处理的研究,在环保和能源的两个领域开展工作。主要的研究包括,厌氧膜生物反应器、餐厨垃圾和污泥厌氧消化、生物产氢与产甲烷两段发酵工艺、高温和高氨氮发酵工艺、微量元素生物强化技术、沼气生物脱硫、厌氧消化病原菌去除等工作,得到了国家自然科学基金和重点研发计划等项目的资助,在养殖废物和废水、垃圾渗滤液和餐厨垃圾处理等工程项目上开展了试验验证,具有从理论研究到技术研发再到工程应用的研究传统,重视理论与实践的结合。2014年至今,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,北京市自然基金面上项目,重点研发子课题,北京市科技课题等11项,累计经费600余万元,与中国光大、中船重工和北京燃气集团等骨干企业开展联合研发。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,EI论文11篇。获准国家发明专利1项,实质审查发明专利5项,获准实用新型专利4项。 |